
The Rise Of ASCs:
Tools & Intelligence
You Need To Pivot

The Rise Of ASCs: Tools & Intelligence You Need To Pivot

Accurate site-level insights are critical.

The success of new, tailored strategies hinges on understanding procedure volumes and types, ownership structures, and affiliations of ASCs. 20% are estimated to be either hospital-owned or affiliated, a factor that significantly influences the buying processes within these centers.

Understanding the ASC Landscape
Surgeons at ASCs generally wield more decision-making power compared to the traditional hospital Value Analysis Committee (VAC) process. This decentralized decision-making structure often leads to a shorter sales cycle, a critical advantage for medtech companies aiming to introduce new technologies swiftly. The ownership of ASCs, whether physician-owned or corporate-owned, introduces different economic considerations, particularly when adopting new technologies. These variances pave the way for innovative, bundled solutions across capital equipment and consumables, aligning with the financial models of these facilities.

Analyzing Market Dynamics
The rise of ASCs has been nothing short of remarkable. Since 2000, the number of ASC operating rooms has more than tripled, reaching over 35,000 by 2023. ASCs now perform nearly 25% of all hip replacements and 33% of knee replacements, highlighting a significant shift from traditional hospital settings to these more specialized outpatient centers. This shift is not confined to orthopedic procedures. It extends to a variety of medical interventions, including coronary procedures, which were previously the domain of hospitals. Several market factors have driven this shift toward ASCs:

  • Improvements in the safety and efficacy of less-invasive procedures
  • New payment models favor lower-cost settings of care
  • Physician and patients prefer ASCs to reduce logistical and economic burdens

Major joint replacement procedures performed at ASCs in the U.S.

Leading medtech companies are pivoting their strategies.

In response to these trends, leading medtech companies are strategically deploying ASC-focused commercial teams and distributors. This targeted approach enables them to cater specifically to the unique needs and dynamics of ASCs, ensuring that they can effectively market and sell their products in these settings. By aligning their sales strategies with the operational and economic realities of ASCs, medtech companies can drive greater adoption of their technologies and achieve greater commercial success.

RepSignal provides the insights you need to drive high-impact ASC strategies.

Market intelligence and AI-powered analytics are pivotal for medtech companies shifting focus towards ASCs. These tools provide granular, up-to-date insights into procedure volumes, types, and trends within ASCs, enabling companies to identify high-value physicians, facilities, and referrer networks with precision. AI-driven analytics can highlight market dynamics and forecast patient demographics, optimizing product placement and marketing strategies. By leveraging these advanced technologies, medtech firms can tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs of targeted ASCs, streamline their sales cycles, and enhance their competitive edge. Some of the unique features RepSignal offers include:

  • Actionable Insights: RepSignal provides detailed insights into physician and facility-based procedure volumes and types, helping medtech companies pinpoint perfect-product fit customers.
  • AI-Powered Analytics: Advanced expert-curated analytics anticipate market shifts and patient demographics, allowing companies to adapt their strategies proactively.
  • Recommended Actions: Generative AI proposes initiatives to tailor marketing and sales approaches, improving efficiency and competitive positioning in the ASC market.
  • Deep CRM Integration: RepSignal can be seamlessly integrated into your Salesforc or other CRM, streamlining workflows, and enabling sales teams to easily access important insights on the go from their mobile devices.